Frequently asked questions

About yfood

What is yfood?

yfood is your smart on-the-go solution - nutritionally complete, balanced, tasty and easily prepared ready-to-drink meals. In addition to our milk-based and vegan drinks, we have milk-based and vegan powders and (vegan) bars. Our products contain a balanced ratio of protein, fibre, fats and at least 25 vitamins and minerals, as specified by the German Nutrition Society (DGE) for a complete diet. Behind yfood's products is a research and development team consisting of nutritionists, food technologists and research specialists, who work together with external experts and scientific institutions to formulate the best products.

What is Smart Food?

yfood's ready-to-drink meals fall under the 'Smart Food' category – a new category of food with a complete nutrient profile that can be consumed quickly and easily at any time. Our products are the result of the interplay between nutritional science and technology. The drinks enable people to consume a balanced diet anytime and anywhere. Smart Food is something bigger than other food trends or categories such as Functional Food, classic ready meals or protein drinks, because it is convenient, healthy, tasty and sustainable.

What is the idea behind yfood?

We all struggle to maintain a balanced diet, especially during busy times. That's where Smart Food comes in as the perfect solution. It is important to note that yfood does not aim to replace traditional, fresh and high-quality food, or communal meals. On the contrary: a diverse and varied diet is essential, as are the social and cultural aspects of food. yfood seeks to provide a solution to close the gaps specifically in those situations where you have no time or access to fresh and healthy meals.

Where did the name yfood come from?

The initial idea was to create a product tailored to the needs of Generation Y, who lead particularly dynamic lives. However, we soon realised that yfood addresses the needs of all generations. We are continually amazed by the varied use cases across different demographics and profiles. For instance, yfood supports better eating habits for nurses, rescue workers, police officers, and truck drivers alike.

Where does the claim "This is food" come from?

Our core message, "This is food" appears on all our packaging. Through this, we convey that our products offer a complete nutritional profile.

What is the recommended intake for yfood?

yfood is made for those situations when you don't have access to fresh and healthy meals. It can be consumed at any time of the day – for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even as a snack to keep you going throughout the day. We recommend a mindful consumption of yfood consciously as part of a balanced and varied diet, alongside fresh, high-quality produce. Be mindful of your personal physiological needs, such as weight, height, and activity level. It's crucial to note that yfood is not meant to fully replace traditional meals – maintaining a diverse and varied diet with fresh, high-quality foods is as important as the social and cultural experiences of eating with others.

Does yfood make you full?

Well, of course! Our products are designed to satisfy your hunger to different extents, based on their calorie content. For example, our bars are intended as a snack to keep you going between meals, whereas our ready-to-drink meals and shakes can keep you full for up to several hours. And, most importantly, without placing any stress on the digestive system. Please note that satiation levels depend on individual physiological factors, such as height, activity level and sensitivity.

Good to know: In collaboration with the University of Lübeck, we conducted scientific research on the satiety effects of our products compared to traditional convenience foods. The findings revealed that our ready-to-drink meals resulted in a significantly stronger feeling of satiety than, for instance, a burger or Caesar salad, while also offering a more complete nutrient profile.

About our products

How are your products different?

First of all, all our products have a complete nutrient profile, they taste good, and are easy to prepare.

Our drinks are complete, balanced meals. This means that they fill you up for several hours and provide you with energy without placing any stress on the digestive system. One drink contains 500 kcal, which covers 25% of your daily energy and nutrient requirements (based on the average energy requirement of an adult of 2,000 kcal).

The shakes follow the same concept as the drinks but come in powder form, allowing you to prepare and mix them yourself, without the need for any heating or blending tools. Based on our recommended intake, one serving provides 400 kcal of energy. By preparing the shakes yourself, you can determine the mixing ratio, consistency and calorie content that works for you.

Our bars are intended as balanced snacks to sustain you in between meals. Being only 60g, they can easily fit in your pocket or backpack.

How many calories do your products contain?

A yfood drink (500 ml) contains 500 kcal and covers about 25% of your daily energy and nutrient requirements (based on the average energy requirement of an adult of 2,000 kcal). This also applies to our vegan drinks.

To prepare the shakes, we recommend a mixing ratio of four leveled spoonfuls for the Classic Powders and three heaping spoonfuls for the Vegan Powders with 300 ml of water – your shake will contain 400 kcal. To make it easier for you, remember: one Classic Powder scoop contains 100 kcal (vegan powder: 133 kcal). In this way you can custom-adjust the mixing ratio depending on your personal physiological needs with respect to, for example, your weight, height or activity level.

One bar (60g) contains 180 or 220 kcal (depending on the variety) and is therefore ideal to curb cravings in between meals.

How long do your products last for?

All yfood drinks (Classic and Vegan) have a shelf life of 12 months from the time of production. To achieve this, we have been collaborating with experienced food technologists for a long time. The best news is that we do not use preservatives in our complex high-tech manufacturing process.

The yfood Classic Powder has a shelf life of 10 months from the time of production, whilst the Vegan Powder has a shelf life of 6 months.

On the other hand, our Fruity range only has a shelf life of 5 months (drinks) and 6 months (powders) from the time of production due to its special composition.

Our bars also have a shelf life of 12 months from the time of production.

It is important for us to take a stand against the waste of resources and food. That is why we also sell products that no longer have their full shelf life. Of course, we always ensure that products that are about to expire are not sold. (We guarantee a minimum shelf life of at least one month.)

What does the Nutri-Score on your products mean?

In short, the Nutri-Score assesses the composition and quality of the nutrients in various foods and helps you as a consumer to orientate yourself. In detail, the Nutri-Score tells you whether a food has a rather favourable or unfavourable nutrient composition. The Nutri-Score is based on a scientifically recognised algorithm. Various nutrients and ingredients are assessed based on their consumption, which can have a favourable or unfavourable effect on health. This makes it easy for you to compare different foods in a product group: A green [A] is more likely to contribute to a healthy diet than a red [E]. Logical, right?

We are very proud that our products have a Nutri-Score of category A due to their nutritional composition. By opting for Nutri-Score labelling, we want to be transparent about our ingredients and make it as easy as possible to compare them with similar products.

How do I prepare yfood products correctly?

Our drinks and bars can be consumed readily. For our shakes and hot bowls, only a few simple steps are necessary before you can enjoy them.

Shakes: to prepare the shakes, we recommend a mixing ratio of four leveled spoonfuls for Classic Powders and three heaping spoonfuls for Vegan Powders to 300 ml of water. Then, you just need to put the lid on, shake for 10 seconds and enjoy! Tip: put the shake in the fridge for five to ten minutes; this allows the fibre to absorb the liquid, improving the consistency of the drinks.

The measuring spoon we include is made from injection-moulded paper pulp. This means that it is made of bio-based material, and is therefore BPA and petroleum-free. What's more, it is home compostable and made in Germany. Please note, however, that it is not dishwasher safe and will deform when exposed heat.

Do I need to refrigerate yfood products?

In a nutshell: no. You don't have to refrigerate our products. But here's a tip: since our drinks and shakes still taste better chilled, it's best to refrigerate them before enjoying them! Once opened, please refrigerate our drinks and consume within 24 hours.

Are yfood's products vegan/vegetarian?

Our entire range is either vegetarian or vegan. Why's that?

Our Classic ready-to-drink meals contain low-fat milk and are therefore vegetarian. However, we also offer delicious vegan soy-based versions of these products.

The same applies to our powders/shakes. We have a vegetarian, milk-based version, as well as a vegan version, made from various vegetable protein sources such as soy, sunflower seeds and peas as a basis.

Similarly, our bars are available in both vegetarian and plant-based vegan versions.

Is yfood suitable for pregnant women?

In principle, yes. Our yfood products are manufactured under the highest hygienic precautions. Our ready-to-drink meals undergo ultra-high temperature heating and the bottles are filled aseptically. Therefore, from a microbiological point of view, their consumption is absolutely harmless for pregnant and breastfeeding women alike. However, pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid our Cold Brew Coffee and Vegan Coffee varieties due to caffeine. Remember, we don't offer medical advice or recommendations. It's best to consult with your midwife or gynaecologist/obstetrician regarding the suitability of consuming yfood for you.

Is yfood also suitable for children?

The energy content, macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals in our drinks, are tailored to meet the needs of the average adult. As a result, they exceed the recommended nutrient intake for children per meal. While it's theoretically safe for older children and adolescents to consume yfood products, the amount should be adjusted based on their age and nutritional needs. However, Cold Brew Coffee and Vegan Coffee varieties contain caffeine and are not suitable for children.

Why does yfood have such a high protein content?

Most of our products, except for our vegan bars, are high in protein. This means that at least 20% of the energy comes from protein. In our Classic ready-to-drink meals, shakes, and bars, we use milk protein, which is high-quality and contains all the essential amino acids our body needs.

In our vegan products, we use various plant-based protein sources, such as soy, sunflower seeds, peas, lentils, almonds or quinoa. These are also high-quality proteins containing all essential amino acids. Our vegan bars provide at least 18% of the energy from a protein source.

Among other benefits, proteins, when combined with the dietary fibre in yfood products, keep you full and contribute to the low glycemic index of our products.

Why do we use plastic?

Ever wondered why we use plastic? Our packaging material must meet strict standards to effectively protect our products from light and oxygen, ensuring their long shelf life and preserving their valuable vitamins and minerals. While we continuously explore innovative alternatives, plastic has proven to be the most suitable option so far.

Currently, our yfood bottles contain 30-50% recycled plastic, and we are actively working to increase this to 100%. It's important to note that our yfood bottles are 100% recyclable. Therefore, it is crucial that you act responsibly by properly disposing of our bottles to help conserve non-renewable raw materials. To do so, please remove the aluminum seal and place the bottle and the cap in the designated recycling bins. This ensures that the raw materials can be effectively reintegrated into the cycle of reusable materials.

What is the correct way to dispose of yfood products?

All yfood bottles are 100% recyclable. To ensure their recyclability, please remove the aluminum seal and place the bottle and the cap in the designated recycling bins.

The packaging for our powders and bars is made of composite material, and should also be placed in the recycling bin.

I am diabetic. What do I need to be aware of?

Our yfood products naturally contain sugar, such as in milk, maize fibre, rice, or maltodextrin, which we use as carbohydrate sources. Therefore, they can affect blood sugar levels, which insulin-dependent diabetics need to be aware of and monitor. Since we are not permitted to provide medical recommendations, it is best to seek advice from a medical professional.

About our ingredients

What allergenes are contained in yfood products?

Our Classic yfood drinks contain milk (< 0.1 g lactose/100 ml), which becomes lactose-free during the production process due to the addition of lactase. They are strictly gluten-free and do not contain residues of common allergens, such as soy or nuts. Our vegan alternative, on the other hand, is soy-based – but it is dairy-free.

yfood Classic Powders contain (lactose-free) milk protein and gluten-free oat fibres. This means that both those with a lactose intolerance and those with a gluten intolerance can consume all products. In the case of a general milk protein or wheat allergy, they are only suitable to a limited extent.

Vegan meal replacement drinks: our vegan yfood contains soy protein, lecithins (soy) and gluten-free oat fibre. The vegan drinks naturally contain no lactose and are completely dairy-free.

We take special care to ensure that our meal replacement drinks and powders are as low in allergens as possible. They are therefore also completely free of eggs and nuts.

Our bars are gluten-free, but contain wheat, milk and soya. If you are allergic to nuts, the chocolate caramel bar is ideal for you as it does not contain nuts. However, the coconut bar with white chocolate and the hazelnut bar with chocolate do contain nuts.

Hot Bowls: The Hot Bowls are gluten-free and also vegan and therefore lactose-free. The following allergens are contained in each flavour:

  • Mexican Chilli: celery, mustard
  • Thai Curry: soya, celery, mustard
  • Italian Pasta: soya, barley, celery, mustard

Our hot bowls may contain traces of milk, wheat, egg, soya, peanuts and other nuts.

Why do you use mik/milk protein?

Milk is naturally a very nutritious food that contains numerous vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Milk protein, in particular, which is composed of whey protein and casein, has a balanced and complete amino acid profile. To put it even more simply: milk protein provides very high-quality protein. The addition of the enzyme lactase during the production process means you can also enjoy our drinks without any problems if you do not tolerate lactose. Our vegan soy-based drinks are naturally lactose-free and free of milk protein.

Why do you use soy (instead of alternatives such as oats, peas, etc.)?

Soy protein is a particularly high-quality protein with the highest plant-based PDCAA score. This is a key figure used in nutritional science and indicates the quality and digestibility of protein. Soy protein, unlike many other plant-based protein sources, has a particularly good amino acid profile. That is, it provides the body with all the essential amino acids. On top of this, it has a pleasantly mild taste and helps to make our drinks creamier.

Where does your soy come from? Sustainability?

The soy used for our vegan meal replacement drinks comes from Europe and North America. In each and every case, we make sure that when our soy is produced it is completely free of genetic engineering.

What is maltodextrin?

Maltodextrin is a multi-chain carbohydrate derived from vegetable starch. We use it in small amounts as a source of carbohydrate because it is easily soluble. It is solely used to supply energy, not for sweetening.

For a more detailed explanation of maltodextrin: maltodextrin is a carbohydrate. All carbohydrates are made up of different sugar building blocks that are linked together to form chains of different lengths. When we eat food containing carbohydrates, our body breaks the chains up into individual sugar molecules, which then enters the bloodstream.

The important thing for you to know is how quickly this happens – that is, how quickly your blood sugar levels increase. Of course, this always depends on how all the ingredients behave in combination with one another. The glycaemic index provides this information. The glycaemic index of our yfood Classic Drinks has been scientifically calculated to eliminate the chance of metabolic stress triggered by a sharp increase in blood sugar due to maltodextrin. The low glycaemic index of just 32 can be attributed to the balanced macronutrient profile with a high protein and fibre content. Our yfood Lassi Drinks have a very similar composition and a similar macronutrient profile, so you can assume a similar glycaemic index here as well. The exact glycaemic index will soon be determined for all our products.

About our online shop

What kind of payments do you accept?

You can pay by Paypal, credit & debit card, Google Pay or Sofortüberweisung. It's very easy – simply choose a payment method in the second step during checkout.

Note: If you use our subscription service, you can currently only pay with Paypal or credit card. However, we are working on offering more payment options in the future.

Which delivery service takes care of my order?

We ship our parcels with DHL: as soon as the shipment is on its way, you will receive a confirmation email with the tracking code of your order. You can use this link at any time to find out where your package is currently located.

Where do you deliver to?

We ship to most countries in the EU – you will find a list under payment and shipping.

If your country is not on the list, please contact

My package has not arrived. Now what?

Don't worry – we'll take care of it. Of course, we work extremely hard to ensure that all packages arrive as quickly as possible. However sometimes, due to unforeseen circumstances, things may not go as smoothly as planned. Therefore, if your package does not arrive on time, just send us an email at and we will help you resolve it.

How can I cancel my order?

It's a shame that you want to cancel your order. If something went wrong or there is something you are unhappy about, please let us know and we'll try our best to find a solution or you. If you want to cancel your order, simply contact us within 30 days of placing your order. Please note, however, that we are unable to cover the cost of return shipping.

I entered the wrong address when I placed my order. Can I still change it?

This depends on whether your order has already been dispatched. Please contact us as soon as possible and we will see what we can do.

My delivery is incomplete. What can I do?

Oh no! Needless to say, that's not supposed to happen! We're sorry if something went wrong here. Just send us an email at and we will take care of it.

What are the benefits of a yfood subscription?

It's quite simple – you save 15% on every order. And you get yfood delivered directly to your door without any hassle.

And, of course, we still want to maintain a high level of flexibility: that's why there is no minimum term, and you can change the delivery frequency as well as the product varieties and sizes at any time – and you can pause the deliveries whenever you want.

How do I make changes to my subscription?

You can do this via your account on our homepage: simply log in and access your features under Subscription. Here, you will find all your details and can pause or cancel your subscription. You can also change the number and frequency of deliveries and the due date, as well as add or remove products. If you want to amend the address for your subscription, simply do this in the Order Overview.

Is there a minimum term for the subscription?

No – you have complete flexibility. The yfood subscription does not have a minimum term.

How do I register an account?

Registering is super easy: click on the Account button next to the shopping basket in the top-right corner of the website and you're good to go!

How does "Refer a friend" work?

Recommend yfood to your friends, and you will both receive a €10 yfood voucher.

All you have to do is register here, and your unique friend referral link will be created.

Share this link with your friends, for example, via WhatsApp, email, or Facebook.

The link includes a €10 voucher for your friends (only valid for new customers with a minimum order €35)

As soon as your friends place their first order using your unique link, you will also receive your €10 voucher in your email inbox (minimum order of €35).

How do I redeem my voucher?

Simply enter your code during the order process – you'll have the opportunity to do this just before selecting your preferred payment method. Please note: the vouchers are only valid for individual purchases and not for subscriptions (For subscription, we offer a 15% discount by default), or other items that are already on discount.

About our newsletter

Where can I sign up for the newsletter?

It's amazing that you want to make sure you're always up to date with yfood: just scroll down to the bottom of our homepage. There, you can enter your email address and receive a 10% voucher for your next order. If that's not a win, we don't know what is...

I'm not receiving the newsletter. What can I do?

Have you already checked your spam folder? Unfortunately, our emails may sometimes end up there. If you don't see anything in your spam folder either, please send us an email, and we will add you to it manually.

How can I unsubscribe from from the newsletter?

We're sorry to hear you no longer want to be notified. Were there too many updates? If you really want to unsubscribe, simply scroll down to the bottom of one of our newsletter emails and click on Unsubscribe.