Time to Say Goodbye: Everything you need to know about the Nutri-Score update.
yfood 23.08.2024

Time to Say Goodbye: Everything you need to know about the Nutri-Score update.

Starting in November, you'll notice a change on our yfood products. The Nutri-Score, which many of you are familiar with, will gradually be phased out. By early 2026, none of our products will feature the Nutri-Score. In this post, we want to explain why we're making this change and what it means for you.

The Nutri-Score: A quick overview.

What exactly is the Nutri-Score? In simple terms, it's a rating system that grades products from A (green) to E (red) based on their nutritional value. This A-to-E scale is meant to provide a quick snapshot of how healthy a food product is. An "A" stands for the healthiest option, while an "E" is for the least healthy. It sounds helpful, right? But there are some complications!

Why we're more than just a drink.

Here's the interesting part: The Nutri-Score differentiates between drinks and food, with different criteria for each. Recently, these categories were updated, and drinkable meals like yfood are now classified as "drinks." This means we, and other drinkable meal brands, get a lower score due to the higher calorie content typical of a full meal. This makes sense for a regular drink with 500 kcal, but not for a complete meal. It shows how crucial proper categorisation is.

Our ready-to-drink meals don't fit neatly into traditional categories, and the recent Nutri-Score changes reflect that—not just for us, but for all Smart Food producers.

We firmly believe yfood is food, not just a drink. yfood is a full meal that keeps you satisfied and provides a balanced alternative to fast food. And honestly, our name "yfood" and the phrase "THIS IS FOOD" on our packaging already says it all, right?

What does this mean for you?

Our decision to remove the Nutri-Score from our bottles is based on our belief that yfood should be seen as food, not just a drink. Rest assured, the high quality and balanced nutritional profile of our products remains exactly the same. Our drinkable meals still give you all the nutrition you need—vitamins, minerals, protein, and fibre—making it your go-to option for a complete meal when you're short on time.

To Sum Up:

Sometimes, you need to change course to communicate more clearly. The Nutri-Score can be helpful, but for us, it was time to move on—at least for now. We still hope that our category will soon be properly recognized by the Nutri-Score system. Until then, we'll keep focusing on bringing you the best product—without confusion and without compromise.

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